Knowledge Flame

ISSN- 3049-1541

Knowledge Flame International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (KF-IMRJ)

PRGI Reg. No. MAHMUL/2024/89852

The publication is double-blind reviewed and refereed, encouraging young and passionate researchers to write excellent, innovative articles promoting a healthy society. The editorial board is working to fulfil the fundamental responsibility of research, which is to identify societal problems as they occur and propose solutions. We will be dedicated to providing outstanding assistance and will be consistently driven to publish our findings in the current bimonthly journal. Through their research papers, scientists, artists, businessmen, lawyers, competitive exam experts, and agricultural researchers, among others, can share what they know. As editors and publishers, we will work together to maintain the high caliber of our research articles while adhering to the ethical guidelines and limitations of the subject matter in order to shed light on the subject.

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